Steve Bannon Called Bolsonaristas, ‘Freedom Fighters’ 🧐💭

Steve Bannon has spent months falsely saying the Brazilian election was stolen

“It’s the Brazilian Spring,” Bannon added. [Like the US-backed Arab Spring?!]

Then on January 8, as the pro-Bolsonaro riot was commencing in Brazil’s capital, Bannon repeatedly posted on Gettr that “Lula stole the election” and referred to the insurrectionists as “Brazilian Freedom Fighters.” [Like the US-backed Afghan Freedom Fighters or the Syrian Freedom Fighters?!]

If pics prove that someone is WEF-controlled than I guess Bolsonaro is?!


Twitter Thread: “The US right is backing an attempt at a color revolution in Brazil, & while the government isn’t fully endorsing it, the questioning of Brazil’s elections came from former gov officials & the west first not Brazil, which points to US Intel at play underneath the facade

YouTube: How Brazil’s Coup Attempt Was US Backed But Not J6 w/ Addy Adds

Steve Bannon:

He is a former executive chairman of Breitbart News and previously served on the board of the now-defunct data-analytics firm Cambridge Analytica.

While serving in the navy, he earned a master’s degree in national security studies in 1983 from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service.

Bannon was an officer in the United States Navy for seven years in the late 1970s and early 1980s; he served on the destroyer USS Paul F. Foster as a surface warfare officer in the Pacific Fleet, and afterwards as a special assistant to the chief of naval operations at the Pentagon.

Cambridge Analytica and the Right-Wing Populist Movements

WikiSpooks: Georgetown University

Spies Like Us: The Spooks of Georgetown

Steve Bannon And China’s Deep State

Steve Bannon And China’s Deep State

Although a century has passed since Coudenhove-Kalergi’s pan Europa was founded, the same principles are shaping the contours of our current age. Just as vast systemic crises threatening the lives of the majority of souls living on our planet press ominously against our future as they had a century ago, similar techniques of controlled opposition and games within games are used by the same oligarchical class who have orchestrated the current state of affairs. Many good people whose hearts are too large and understanding too shallow have already gotten absorbed into false narratives that frame those mortal enemies of the West as either Russia or China, while ignoring the causal hand of those same oligarchical agencies seeking to reduce all sovereign nations and cultures to rubble under a new Crusade. 

Don’t fall for it.


How a Tycoon Linked to Chinese Intelligence Became a Darling of Trump Republicans

The inscrutable aims of Steve Bannon’s enigmatic Chinese benefactor

Exclusive: The Fugitive Who Tried to Spark a US-China War

More About Guo Wengui

Tulsi Gabbard CALLED OUT by Kim Iversen For Supporting PRO WAR Republicans

Oct 17, 2022 – Zac & Gavin react to Tulsi Gabbard getting called out on Twitter by Kim Iversen (formerly of The Hill’s Rising).

Tulsi Gabbard CALLED OUT by Kim Iversen For Supporting PRO WAR RepublicansThe Vanguard


Trump Advisor: Bolduc’s Ukraine Comments ‘Disqualified’ Him for U.S. Senate

Bolduc, who lost a GOP Senate primary in 2020, has been taking a steady stream of incoming fire over wild speculation he made during a Fox News TV appearance last weekend. His comments about how the CIA or military could “get in there on the ground” in Ukraine, using “special operations troops” and “indirect fires and direct capabilities” to attack Russian targets were viewed as so inflammatory, he was called out on the air by the network’s Pentagon correspondent.